We spoke with Stefan, a student at the Academy for Digital Marketing
Why Semos Education?
I learned about Semos Education through friends who had already shared their experiences with the Academy for Digital Marketing. Following their recommendation and after thoroughly researching all the options for selecting an academy with a complete and official curriculum, I quickly and confidently made the decision that would propel me forward in life.
What is the best advice you received at Semos Education, and do you pass it on to others?
Throughout the Academy, I heard numerous pieces of advice, and it’s really hard to pinpoint the best one. However, something that always comes to mind first is this: “Always be grateful for the opportunities you have at the moment, but don’t be overly satisfied; you can always achieve more.”
How did you decide to become a Copywriter?
I’ve always had a vivid imagination and a particular inclination towards psychology. I’m fortunate to have found a job in which I can use my best abilities and emphasize the strong aspects of my character.
How did the training at Semos Education help you in your current job?
When I entered the Academy, I only had my imagination and an interest in psychology. The Academy revealed talents in me that I didn’t even know I had, provided a comprehensive introduction to digital marketing from scratch, and gave me the self-confidence to strive for more and enhance my skills, which are now beneficial in my work.
What role did the Career Center play in starting your career?
I commend the Career Center for showing a strong desire and effort to help students reach their job positions. Their commitment, dedication, and continuous contact with students can be felt and seen.
What fascinates you at the moment, and how do you incorporate it into your work?
I am currently fascinated by how the art of visuals and the psychology of words significantly contribute to business. I use this fascination to improve myself and enhance the company I work for.
What advice would you give to those currently looking for a job as a Copywriter?
If you are already looking and have decided to work as a copywriter, it means you’ve taken the first and most challenging step. What remains is to continue improving your knowledge and enter the digital world. The Academy for Digital Marketing at Semos Education is the right choice for the next step. It’s tried and tested, and I warmly recommend it to future students of the Academy.