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Why creatives need AI

5 August, 2024

Why creatives need AI

Currently, the hottest topic in the creative industries is artificial intelligence and the revolution in work that it brings. In the last few years, the main names in these industries have been doing in-depth analysis of the work process of each professional, and the conclusions are always the same: artificial intelligence is needed to facilitate and speed up the work. In one of the biggest surveys done by Adobe, 70% of creatives spend time on repetitive tasks like resizing or formatting text. According to them, creatives can save as much as 50% of this time by using AI automation tools. 

Some of the other companies that are also dedicated to this theme are Sketch, Figma and Canva. In a survey conducted by Sketch, 62% of designers said that repetitive tasks are the most time consuming, and using Sketch’s Smart Distribute AI tool saves 4 hours per week, which is half a working day! Figma’s Auto-layout tool that runs on AI calculations cuts 30 minutes of design time and Canva’s Magic Resize AI tool cuts 40% of editing time. 

All companies in the creative industry are striving to develop their range of AI-powered tools. But it’s not just them, many new companies are starting work focused exclusively on bringing artificial intelligence closer to creative processes. The main purpose of artificial intelligence is to cut hours per week that creatives waste on tasks that a computer can complete in seconds. Apart from saving time, this blog also offers other useful aspects that answer the question: Why would you, as a creative, want to use AI at work? 

Saves time 

There are a number of ways that AI can save you time when designing and creating content. 

The most popular at the moment is generative artificial intelligence. It creates realistic content – images and texts, according to requirements entered by the designer. The first step is for the designer to write a request to the AI program fully explaining what they want the work to contain. Because the AI is taught to associate text descriptions with pre-existing images, it knows how to create new work that matches the requirements. Usually, details of these works need to be further edited to bring the whole composition into harmony, but this takes significantly less time than creating it yourself from start to finish. 

Furthermore, artificial intelligence is of great benefit to artists who start their creative process by making sketches. By feeding sketches and finished examples into the AI software, it adapts by adopting the designer’s style. This contributes to the AI software being able to recognize what the designer wants to draw to complement or complete. What’s more, the programs can beautify sketches and advance them into a complete drawing. 

Style tracking is also very often applied to brand design – programs are tailored to recognize the theme a business applies to its materials. This means that artificial intelligence can quickly create new ads, elements, backgrounds and any marketing material that is in line with the built image of the brand while retaining colors, style and content. 

For photographers and all those who work with photos, artificial intelligence allows sharpening of images, removal of figures, improvement of lighting, automatic adjustment of light and contrast and many other options. 

Finally, a huge amount of work tasks such as cropping and adding, changing shape and size, changing colors, removing or adding elements and editing, are automated with the new AI tools that complement the popular designer programs. Letting the computer handle all these things for you will leave you more time to enjoy and focus on developing your creative idea. 

Lower prices 

Artificial intelligence allows the creation of a variety of non-chargeable content. In this way, by using AI, you can get different creative solutions at lower prices. What’s more, AI-based programs not only save you time, but they also save you money by letting the computer do some of the work that would otherwise be billed. 

Another expense that is immediately cut is all the stock photos and licenses that you or your company would otherwise have to buy, otherwise copyrights are at risk. On that question, in 2022, a survey by Venngage concluded that the most used visual content is original graphics with as much as 36.4% of the votes. Besides this, other answers were stock photos, videos and presentations, tables and gifs and animations. This trend will continue to grow given the ease and affordability at which original visual content can be created. 

Artificial intelligence knows best 

AI programs follow your style and habits, so they always know which version of the creation suits you best. The possibilities they offer are choosing colors, setting appropriate shades that match the composition, cropping the image or focusing on important parts. In this way, the AI helps you with the choice that fits best according to the experience. 

On the other hand, even more fascinating is the opportunity that AI offers to try new things and explore different styles. The programs keep up with the innovations in the creative industry and have processed an incredibly large number of creations, styles, filters and unique decisions, so with one button you have access to try all these changes and find out what you like best. 

Increased interest in your content 

Artificial intelligence is the latest boom in the world and creations ready for it are attracting considerable attention from the public. And to raise the interest to an even higher level, AI tools track all the key information about the activity of your customers. By activity we mean which creations attract the most attention, which capture it for the longest time, and which are completely unattractive to certain categories of customers. This monitoring of the situation allows you as a designer and creative to be more successful in winning your audience, as well as keeping it. 


Apart from being of immense benefit, AI is a source of inspiration and a space for experimentation. With just a few keystrokes, he can create hundreds of different solutions, try out new ideas, translate ideas into a solution or change style. 

Keeping up with trends is a key aspect of anyone’s job in the creative industry. In this case, following the trend allows more audience activity, less time to work, more ways to create and very interesting content. The use of AI for creatives is a bright spot in the future, and to join the trend faster, you can learn how to apply AI tools in the course we offer Designing with AI. 
