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Semos Education Semos Education
  • Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM CET
  • Call us now +44 7487633466
  • Keep in touch info@semosedu.com
EN / МК / RS
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  • Description
  • Content
  • Benefits
  • Certificates

Angular, built and supported by Google, is a one of the fastest, most popular open source web app frameworks based on TypeScript for creating the client-side code of web applications, mostly enterprise web apps and apps with lots of dynamic content.


According to 2020 stack overflow survey – JavaScript is #1 used programming language while Angular is #3 most used web framework for developing in JavaScript.

The reason for angular popularity is that it provides the developers with the tools to write structured, highly scalable, performant, multi-platform single page application.

  • Introduction & getting started with Angular
  • Typescript
  • Angular CLI
  • Components
  • Component communication
  • Data binding and template syntax – events and structural directives
  • Displaying data & pipes
  • Services and dependency injection
  • Routing and navigation
  • Forms (template driven & reactive)
  • HTTP communication
  • RxJS observables
  • Testing

By the end of this course, you will have the fundamental knowledge necessary to create professional and personal websites using Angular.



The topics include:


  • Typescript
  • Components
  • Directives
  • Services
  • Pipes
  • Form development
  • HttpClient and observables

Course attendance certificate issued by Semos Education


Angular, built and supported by Google, is a one of the fastest, most popular open source web app frameworks based on TypeScript for creating the client-side code of web applications, mostly enterprise web apps and apps with lots of dynamic content.


According to 2020 stack overflow survey – JavaScript is #1 used programming language while Angular is #3 most used web framework for developing in JavaScript.

The reason for angular popularity is that it provides the developers with the tools to write structured, highly scalable, performant, multi-platform single page application.

  • Introduction & getting started with Angular
  • Typescript
  • Angular CLI
  • Components
  • Component communication
  • Data binding and template syntax – events and structural directives
  • Displaying data & pipes
  • Services and dependency injection
  • Routing and navigation
  • Forms (template driven & reactive)
  • HTTP communication
  • RxJS observables
  • Testing

By the end of this course, you will have the fundamental knowledge necessary to create professional and personal websites using Angular.



The topics include:


  • Typescript
  • Components
  • Directives
  • Services
  • Pipes
  • Form development
  • HttpClient and observables

Course attendance certificate issued by Semos Education

Our students for us:

  • - Marko Krstevski Microsoft .NET Academy

    Seeking to expand my knowledge, I decided to enroll in Semos Education, where I am gaining the necessary knowledge and experience.

  • - Teodor Markovski Student

    The desire to become a Cloud architect led me to Semos Education. I am thrilled by the positive experiences of former students and the way in which the instructors and Career Center take care of the students.

  • - Viktorija Georgieva Summer Mentorship Program for Python Develope

    The reputation of Semos Education for quality training and the opportunity to learn from experienced instructors played an additional significant role in my decision.

  • - Borche Peltekovski Accredited Academy for Graphic Design

    After completing my studies at Semos Education, I envision myself working in a technology company, such as Samsung, Apple, or a company of similar caliber.

  • - Zora Simonoska JavaScript student

    Мотивираноста на предавачите да ни помогнат да ги совладаме задачите и нивната постојана достапност за студентите. Нивната желба да научиме и практично да го примениме наученото, ми дава поттик да постигнам повеќе.

Meet the instructors

  • Zoran Kimov  

    Microsoft Certified Trainer

    Data Analyst @Semos Education


    12+ years of experience


  • Sanja Gavrilovska Sales Specialist
    +389 75 22 68 75 sanja.gavrilovska@semos.com.mk